Centre's terror monitoring system fails

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Saturday, August 10 2013 - While the Central Intelligence Agencies have alerted the Delhi Police about a possible attack by the LeT on our National Capital, Times Now has learnt that the Centre’s Terror Monitoring system has completely collapsed. Documents exclusively accessed by Times Now suggests that our Security Surveillance System has broken down and we are still not prepared to handle the terror threats emanating from Pakistan and elsewhere. The documents suggest that the Centre’s ambitious Centralised Monitoring System, a project that centralized all interception of mobile, internet and voice data under one interface – has collapsed making the government’s centralized snooping attempt absolutely impossible. 

The documents from the Department of Telecommunications Security Wing reveals shockingly that the Telecom Service Providers are still not cooperating with the Law Enforcement Agencies by not providing intercepted information in suitable formats as most of them have still not upgraded their systems. At the moment, the Telecom Department says that we are still not able to monitor calls of suspects who are on roaming, even sms interception of roaming numbers it seems is out of bounds for our Law Enforcement Agencies. The note says intercepting Skype is next to impossible and that 3G interception can never become a reality as MTNL and BSNL still don’t support these interceptions.  The revelations are so explosive that it even says that the Centralised Monitoring System can even not ascertain Time of calls and it can link a terror call to a completely innocent user. 

Even when the Central Intelligence Agencies have sounded a terror alert across the national capital, the DoT report says that the Centre’s terror monitoring system has completely lost its sheen. While the report mentions that several loopholes in our Security Surveillance System needs to be plugged in, the big question is how prepared is our security establishment to tackle the terror threat emanating from across our borders.  


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